The Young Communist League, on behalf of every youth movement and student organization in our country, summons the youth and students associations, and in general every young men or women with good will in the World, to unite, as in many occasions, for the defense of truth and justice.
The struggle for the release of this Five Heroes from prison represents a battle for the truth and against terrorism. The objective is to break the wall of silence imposed by the government of the United States to public opinion on this matter, to denounce the manipulation and the lie of a biased and unjust trial and to demand the immediate freedom of our five brothers.
Imperialism continues to level all its disdain against human dignity with total irrationality; arbitrarily ignores all the statements from international organizations and creates all kinds of legal and political barriers that hinder the finding of a solution to free the Five. Only actual mobilization of public opinion will make possible the necessary influence to achieve the justice our people is fighting for today.
Humanity is living a critical moment of its history and we as the youth are responsible for this victory for the sake of the future.
This forum will be in favor of five men that combine the highest values of dignity, altruism, courage and solidarity.
We invite you all to celebrate this event on June 12th, and 13th, 2011, celebrating the 3rd International Youth Congress in Solidarity, in Havana, Cuba.
Our youth and our people will be proud to welcome you, in order to exchange experiences together and meditate about ideas that must be multiplied to achieve the victory in this battle.
Freedom for the Five Heroes!
Freedom for the Truth and Justice!
Until Victory Always!
Young Communist League
• The 3rd International Youth Congress in Solidarity with the Cuban Five will be celebrated from June 11th to 14th, 2011.
• The delegates will arrive on June 11th, and return on June 14th.
• The visas to be granted in each Cuban Consulate or Embassy will be of type A-6 for events, for which the International Affairs department of the Young Communist League will carry out the relevant procedures. For this reason, each participant must send full name, date and place of birth, sex, occupation, nationality, passport number, date and number of arrival and departure flights from Cuba, one month previous to the arrival.
• Each member of the delegations will assume all expenses in Cuba. The registration fee is $100.00 CUC and covers accommodation, diet, and transportation expenses during the event from June 11th to 14th at 2:00 p.m. Delegates that wish to stay before or after the event shall do it at their own costs.
• IN/OUT transfer will be guaranteed at José Martí International Airport as long as the date and flight number of the arrival to Cuba is notified in advance (1 month).
• All payments will be made in CUC (Cuban Convertible Pesos). Delegates can bring euros or U.S. dollars and exchange them for Cuban currency according to the exchange rate in force at that time. You may visit the website of the National Bank of Cuba for an update on the currency Exchange. Registration fee will only be paid in CUC.
• We inform all delegations that U.S. dollars have a 20% tax when exchanged for CUC. Therefore, euros are recommended.
• In case of passport loss, the holder must go personally to his/her country’s Embassy or Consulate to Cuba to carry out the procedures and request an official safe-conduct or document authorizing him/her, before immigration authorities, to leave Cuba and enter his/her country of origin.
• If a member of a delegation decides to extent his/her visa, he/she must notify de International Affairs department of the Young Communist League which will carry out the mandatory procedures at the offices of Immigration and Residents Abroad.
• In case of plane ticket loss, the holder must go personally to the offices of the airline he travelled with.
• The airport tax to exit Cuba is $25.00 CUC.
• The official languages of the event are Spanish, English, French, and Russian. Other translation possibilities may be analyzed according to the confirmation of delegations speaking other languages.
• If any delegate or organization requires an invitation letter, it will be sent by the International Affairs department of the Young Communist League.
• If the delegation intends to bring donation materials for the Young Communist League, please notify it in advance in order to make the necessary arrangements with the Customs.
• Emergency medical services will be guaranteed. If any delegate suffers from a disease or handicap, please notify it in advance with the abovementioned period of time.
• The program includes general information lectures on the case and updates on the legal process of our Five Heroes and solidarity. The event will be attended by the relatives of the Cuban Five and victims of terrorism.
• Workshops about experiences of the Youth Forum in Solidarity with the Cuban Five.
• Cultural Activities.
Useful Information:
National Committee of the Young Communist League:
Address: Avenida de la Misiones No. 5 y 7 e/ Habana y Peña Pobre
Habana Vieja
International Affairs Department:
Leira Sánchez Valdivia, Member of the National Bureau
Tel: (53-7) 867 02 20
860 02 25
Fax: (53-7) 867 02 16
E-mail: ri@ujc.org.cu
Altahabana Hotel:
Calle 7ma e/ A y B, Altahabana. Boyeros
Tel: (53-7) 643 87 59
(53-7) 643 87 60
Useful phone numbers:
Taxis: 877 66 66
855 55 55
Police: 106
Information (to ask about phone numbers): 113
Airport Information: 649 56 66
Lost and Found (airport): 642 61 72
266 44 31
¡Querida y estimada compañera Martín Lobo!
ResponderEliminar¡Le felicito, de todo mi corazón, este blog y sitio de la Red, quien es de altísima calidad!
Después de verlo, tengo claro qué fue lo que el Comandante en Jefe, Fidel Castro Ruz, pensaba cuando afirmaba cuanto más saben los informáticos de Cuba que Obama.
Tengo 2 preguntas para usted.
1. ¿Por qué no se pueden comprar las películas cubanas en línea, es decir: en un sitio comercial cubano en la Red? Como en Amazon.Ca o Amazon.com. Elijo lo que necesito, pago, por ejemplo, por el National Bank canadiense (no el National Bank of Canada, sino el National Bank, comercial), y el ICAIC me manda el DVD a mi dirección aquí, en Toronto. Por correo regular.
2. Si eso es de verdad imposible, es decir: no puede funcionar, ¿cómo puedo conseguir el DVD con la magnífica película “Kangamba” (MINFAR y ICAIC, 2008), con subtítulos en inglés? Ya tengo la versión original, puramente castellana, pero necesito la con subtítulos en inglés, para poder mostrarla a l@s compañer@s que no entienden castellano.
Muchas gracias de antemano por sus respuestas,
Dr Srećko Vojvodić
profesor de física e Informática de negocios
Toronto, Ontario, Canadá